359 Leadership
We are one of the few organizations in Sweden that are certified in The Leadership Circle Profile (TLC) in Sweden. TLC is both a leadership model and a set of measurement tools, including a 360-degree analysis. It is a great way to start the ‘journey’ of developing this kind of leadership for all levels of an organization. TLC is an example of a vertical development tool that can effectively increase the awareness of leaders. TLC provides a great overview of the extent to which you and your team operate from a more conscious creative level or when leadership is guided by internal, self-limiting assumptions – a more reactive leadership. These different levels can be compared to an internal operating system (IOS) where the creative conscious leadership is more capable of effectively solving more complex challenges with more sustainable results. TLC is based on a strong research base that shows that creative conscious leadership is strongly linked to increased efficiency, both in leadership and improved business results.
It is worth it for both the individual leader and the organization to work for a more creative, conscious leadership!
An example of the potential of TLC is from a group of company leaders in the Nordic countries. Through the TLC process, these leaders shifted from having just 2 out the 10 most influential leadership competencies as creative competencies to 8 out of 10, in 1.5 years.
Leadership Circle can be used in several different ways:
Team Development – Creative Leadership Workshop. Develop the team by first doing individual analysis and feedback that you discuss and ventilate during a workshop. The standard design is a 2-day workshop with day 1 devoted to coaching each other and creating an individual development plan, including the support needed from the colleagues in the team to achieve the goal. Day 2 we dedicate to the team’s leadership profile and discuss the strengths and development areas that the team wants to focus on. This workshop gets the best results if it is combined with monthly reflections on the profile of the individual and the group.
Developing the Leadership Culture – There are several different ways to use the Leadership Circle to develop the collective leadership – The Leadership Culture.
For example: self-evaluation of one’s own leadership Creative / Reactive ratio or by making a Leadership Culture Profile for the entire company.
Leadership Lab – our latest example of co-creation where we meet around creatively conscious leadership and create a cross-functional group that is gathering monthly for a year. The aim is to develop both the individual leadership and connect it even more powerfully to the organization’s challenges. At the same time we give the participants the opportunity to discuss challenges and share with colleagues from the same industry. Together you will support each other and develop by solving the common challenges that an individual contributor in the system would never be able to solve alone!
359 Leadership collaborates via the network Ledarskapscirkeln www.ledarskapscirkeln.se. Together we see that TLC can help leaders take greater steps in their leadership development, with less effort and therefore we work to increase the knowledge and spread of TLC in Sweden and the Nordic countries.
Read more about Leadership Circle here: https://leadershipcircle.com/en/a-universal-model-of-leadership/