359 Leadership
One of the most important leadership skills to develop is to be able to easily “switch” roles depending on the situation. We help you expand and develop your “gearbox”. Sometimes you as a manager need to be able to be a visionary, and in the next moment to be able to instruct an employee, and then later switch to the role of coach. Our experience from having coached around a hundred leaders is that if you develop the role as a coach in your organization, you can have a powerful development of the leadership and in a shorter time get more learning and development with less effort. We have also seen from our work that coaching in itself increases the self-awareness of the leader. All in all, by focusing on coaching, you can develop several of the competence areas within creative conscious leadership.
The International Coach Federation (ICF), the largest professional international coaching organization defines coaching as follows:
“Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”
Who can say no to that?
We work with developing Coaching for individual support and development, multi-day workshops with your leadership team with a focus on both coaching and the ability to switch between the different roles that leaders need to use.